Sabtu, 02 April 2016

4.Membuat Database MySQL dengan Phpmyadmin

Assalamualaikum wr.wb?

disini saya akan memberi sedikit pelajaran kepada kalian tentang membuat database MySQL dengan Php myadmin, untuk kalian yang baru masuk kuliah dan mengambil jurusan (IT) pasti tidak asing atau ingin tahu sekali tentang cara membuat database Mysql dengan Php myadmin ini, karena ini dasar dari pembuatan aplikasi apapun yang berbasis WEB!!!

Okey langsung aja perhatiin penjelasan yang saya berikan kepada kalian dibawah ini :
Pertama yang harus kalian lakukan adalah menjalan WebserverApache dan aplikasi database mysql . dan yang harus kalian ketahui kedua aplikasi ini harus dijalankan dengan XAMPP control panel.

bagi kalian yang belum punya aplikasi XAMPP kalian bisa download di link ini :
 setelah kalian install di pc/laptop kalian buka XAMPP kalian lalu muncul tampilan XAMPP seperti gambar di bawah ini :


setelah indikator bewarna hijau, tentunya pada kedua aplikasi tadi, bisa langsung anda lihat di gambar buka web browser lalu ketik : localhost pada address bar dan tekan enter.

jika tidak ada kendala maka akan tampil sebuah halaman jendela HOME XAMPP, and than kita akan membuat database yang digunakan oleh wordpress.


setelah sampai disini kita baru akan memulai membuat database mysql melalui php my admin :
untuk membuka php my admin kita harus pilih menu phpMyadmin yang berada di menu sebelah kiri kalian seperti gambar dibawah ini :


and than, akan tampil halaman awal phpMyadmin, untuk membuat database baru : pilih menu database baru klik menu Databases seperti gambar dibawah ini :


lalu muncul tampilan baru lalu pada create database, disini saya memberi nama wordpres_db pada kolom pertama untuk nama database kita, sedangkan kolom kedua adalah "collation" Collation adalah tatacara atau aturan penyusunan huruf, angka dan karakter dalam tabel database. Anda bisa membiarkan pilihan ‘default’ yang ada: Collation, atau memilih utf8_general_ci. seperti gambar dibawah ini :                                    


Beberapa saat kemudian, akan muncul konfirmasi bahwa database “wordpress_db” telah berhasil dibuat. Anda bisa memeriksanya dari daftar tabel database yang tersedia di dalam MySQL.


selesai deh terima kasih :

google translate tersedia di atas kanan blog :

Senin, 21 Maret 2016


My experience in the
computer engineering class 
    The first time I entered into the computer engineering class, I am very happy because I can be a lot of very good friends, always cheerful and clever, I have a new family in this class, anyway I am very happy to see them all because they are always cheerful and they are smart, and also with the lecturers so enthusiastic and eager to share their knowledge with us, so I am very happy to be learned here and I will continue to hone my skills in this field, thanks.

Minggu, 20 Maret 2016

2.Wireless network CISCO PACKET TRACER

Wireless network CISCO PACKET TRACER

   Connect the network with a router 
To connect two different networks, we need a rounting, and the tool is called a router. In teoristis rightly so, and now we will try to build a different network with a router.
First, to build a network here we ONLY use simulations with PACKET TRACER

next, follow these steps;

 • Open your Packet Tracer

 • Put two switches, the routers, and four computers
 • Place two computers on the left and two on the right computer
 • Place the switch on the left and one on the right switch
 • Put the router in the middle
 • Use a straight cable to connect each computer to the switch
 • Use a straight cable to connect each switch to router Router IP  Address Setting:
 • Open your router confiq
 • At the FastEthernet 0/0 Fill

IP Address: • FastEthernet 0/1 Fill In

IP Address: Setting
IP Address Computer: For network network (left) • Open your computer confiq input
IP Address: 0.3 / 24 • Click Settings, View Label Gateway, then Feedback
IP Address: (Gateway is the IP address of the router ( that connects between the router with the switch) To Network • Open your computer conifiq input
IP Address: and 1.3 • Click Settings, View Label Gateway, then Feedback
IP Address: (Gateway is the IP address of the router ( that connects between the router with the switch) Testing: • To check whether these two networks have been able to communicate, please do ping from
IP to

Good luck okkey

Sabtu, 19 Maret 2016


Computer Technology

              Computer-Based Technology are ways to produce and deliver materials by using a device that originates in the microprocessor. Basically, the computer-based technology displays information to learners through the display on the screen. Various computer applications are usually called "computer-based intruction (CBI)", "computer assisted instruction (CAI"), or "computer-managed instruction (CMI)".

These applications are almost entirely developed based on behavioral theory and programmed learning, but now more and more based on cognitive theory. These applications can be: (1) the tutorial, the main lesson is given, (2) practice and repetition to help learners develop fluency in a material that has been studied before, (3) games and simulations to give an opportunity to use newly learned knowledge; and (5) and the data sources that allow learners to access their own data set by the ordinance pengakasesan (protocol) data is determined externally.
Computer technology, either in the form of hardware or software usually has the following characteristics:

Can be used at random, in addition to linearly
Can be used in accordance with the wishes of learners, in addition to the manner as designed by the developer.
The ideas are usually expressed in the abstract using words, symbols and graphics.
The principles applied during the development of cognitive science
Learning can be centered on the learner with a high level of interactivity.